September 2022

Zotero template for Vancouver bibliographic citation style adapted for post-Soviet countries

Berkowitz M., Takats S., Karcher S., 2016; adaptation to the requirements in Ukraine by Kalmykov O. O., 2022: Variant with square brackets (“[…]”) of references in the text instead of the original round brackets:!ApCV1TbtV_n8s9NKpJ4gWUonsd4Cig?e=btHZ76; Option as in p. 1, with the inclusion of DOI in the bibliographic reference:!ApCV1TbtV_n8tJcbwlPY31SXowt62w?e=61dcQy; Option as in item 1, […]

Volunteering, charity and social activities – as a means of self-development

Today, September 5, is the International Day of Charity. I never really imagined myself as a philanthropist.Or rather, I did not think that I would systematically get engaged in volunteering, charity, development and implementation of social projects. Of course, as a doctor in the third generation, I was brought up precisely in the spirit of […]

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