10 ways to live “forever”

Briefly and clearly: among the various ways to ensure longevity and even immortality of people in a scientific way, the following 10 options can be conditionally distinguished: 1) cryonics; 2) early diagnosis and prediction of aging with an individualized life plan; 3) genetic modification of the human body; 4) regenerative technologies; 5) cloning; 6) nanotechnology; 7) cyborgization; 8) symbiosis with artificial intelligence; 9) cybernation; 10) expanded cybernation. There are also many metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric approaches.

[Approximate reading time of this publication – from 5 minutes]



What does it mean – eternal life?

Does this mean – to exist indefinitely in the biological sense, successfully assimilating from the outside nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), mineral and some irreplaceable substances, as well as water and oxygen, and releasing metabolic products outside the body?

Or something else, more? Something that concerns not only the physical body of a person, even his personality – but rather goes beyond the limits of space and time attainable for him, even if he lives forever?

Futurologists, transhumanists have proposed many theories of long life. Summarizing the various ways to ensure longevity and even immortality of people in a scientific way, the following 10 options can be conditionally distinguished:

1. Cryonics – the use of refrigeration and freezing to increase life expectancy;

2. Early diagnosis and prediction of aging with the development of the most individualized life plan, taking into account the characteristics of the organism of each person;

3. Genetic modification of the human body in such a way as to “turn off” genes that limit life expectancy, and regulate those that increase its quality;

4. Regenerative technologies – to improve the recovery of the body, the transplantation of its parts and organs, “growing” outside the body;

5. Cloning – complete duplication of the human body;

6. Nanotechnology – the use of ultra-small artificial objects to replace or improve the function of the body’s own microstructures;

7. Cyborgization – replacement of individual organs, organ systems, body parts with artificial ones;

8. Symbiosis with artificial intelligence – expansion of mental functions;

9. Cybernetization – complete transfer of human consciousness “to the computer”;

10. Expanded cybernetization – expanding the mental and physical capabilities of the symbiosis of humans and computer mechanisms;

There are also many metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric approaches.

Of course, the above list is not exhaustive and can be further detailed …

Separate questions are – why does a person need immortality and how to lead an unlimited life?

Contact me if I can help you in medical sphere or else how.

What do you think about living forever?

Write your opinion (or questions, maybe?) in commentaries, please.

… and also – would you like us to prepare and publish a video on this topic for you?

Wish you have strong health, success, harmony and peace!

Sincerely yours,
Oleksii Kalmykov,

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