Letter of recommendation for Praharaj Pooja


Praharaj Pooja had study courses at the Department of Internal and Occupational Diseases of Kharkiv National Medical University. During one semester I have been a senior lecturer for her academic group in the studying discipline of Occupational Diseases.

Besides the fact of achieving the good studying results by Praharaj Pooja, it is necessary to point out, that, from my experience of teaching both English-medium and other students in our University, Praharaj Pooja could be ranked as definitely higher than a middle in the course, while one from top 100 of general students I’ve ever been honored to teach.

As for academic abilities – for one hand I would state a well-motivation, quick to grasp main principles in studying subject with diligence, for the other – argue cogently in appropriate cases demonstrating critical and analytical attitude of mind, trying to have and prove an original thought for the discussed subject with enough part of self-criticism.

As soon as our studying discipline consists of huge enough and various material from different medical specialties – students have to learn much independently in class (under the general supervision of teacher) or at home. From this point of view, Praharaj Pooja has demonstrated very good ability to work independently with periodical directions from a teacher. At practical classes – used to help other students with some studying material within reasonable limits.

Praharaj Pooja has successfully mastered both specific for the discipline of Occupational Diseases and general practical skills that thematic plan implies – such as evaluating professional, sanitary-hygienic, anamnestic, objective, additional (laboratory, instrumental) and other data in order to administer an appropriate treatment, perform the evaluation of ability to work, make reasonable guidelines to patients etc. I am almost sure that Praharaj Pooja will successfully complete qualification aimed for.

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