Oleksii Kalmykov

How to improve cognitive mental processes (memory, thinking, speech and others)?

Online meeting of Board Medical Club February, 7, 2023 17:00 on the topic: ? Energy of an entrepreneur and corporate health management: a scientific approach. ⁉️ How to improve cognitive mental processes (memory, thinking, speech and others)? ? Exclusively for members of the Board international business community. ?It is useful: 1) personally – for: – […]

How can Ukrainian businesses get support from 17 billion USD in restoring Ukraine?

the business itself must be ready to receive resources – both implement projects for the development of Ukraine, and demonstrate this readiness so that the Government is interested in attracting business to work and providing it with all the necessary resources.

Zotero template for Vancouver bibliographic citation style adapted for post-Soviet countries

Berkowitz M., Takats S., Karcher S., 2016; adaptation to the requirements in Ukraine by Kalmykov O. O., 2022: Variant with square brackets (“[…]”) of references in the text instead of the original round brackets: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApCV1TbtV_n8s9NKpJ4gWUonsd4Cig?e=btHZ76; Option as in p. 1, with the inclusion of DOI in the bibliographic reference: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApCV1TbtV_n8tJcbwlPY31SXowt62w?e=61dcQy; Option as in item 1, […]

Volunteering, charity and social activities – as a means of self-development

Today, September 5, is the International Day of Charity.https://www.un.org/en/observances/charity-day I never really imagined myself as a philanthropist.Or rather, I did not think that I would systematically get engaged in volunteering, charity, development and implementation of social projects. Of course, as a doctor in the third generation, I was brought up precisely in the spirit of […]

How to take photos of documents with a mobile phone or tablet camera

place the document on a flat surface of a contrasting color; flatten the document as much as possible and make sure that all significant areas are visible and on the same level; lighting – ideally should be natural diffused (but not direct sunlight), you can try the flash (if the document is not with a […]

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