Lecture in Occupational Diseases (Intoxications)
Link to the meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGJmZWUwMGMtY2NhMC00NTdkLTk3MDgtMzY4ZGM0MDFiNDk4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2253dee37e-40a7-4ad4-8c6e-d7e3799f39e5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22aa718fee-1ffb-4e5d-844d-a6a818ca59c3%22%7d
How to improve cognitive mental processes (memory, thinking, speech and others)?
Online meeting of Board Medical Club February, 7, 2023 17:00 on the topic: ? Energy of an entrepreneur and corporate health management: a scientific approach. ⁉️ How to improve cognitive mental processes (memory, thinking, speech and others)? ? Exclusively for members of the Board international business community. ?It is useful: 1) personally – for: – […]
1 month of Medical cluster
The 1st month has ended since the official registration of the Medical Cluster (my reflection).
How to take photos of documents with a mobile phone or tablet camera
place the document on a flat surface of a contrasting color; flatten the document as much as possible and make sure that all significant areas are visible and on the same level; lighting – ideally should be natural diffused (but not direct sunlight), you can try the flash (if the document is not with a […]
How to keep healthy if there is “no time”? Invitation.
Ukrainian songs that you like and (or) are hits
Hello. Friends, tell me Ukrainian songs that you like and (or) are hits, please. Because I realized that all I know are either ancient folk or arias from operas… I am preparing to sing at the Burning Man festival, etc. Here are the songs that I plan in advance (you can write your suggestions right […]
“Closed” meeting of Board Kharkiv 2022-06-03
?Today at a so-called “closed” meeting of the business-community Board in Kharkiv (@boardkharkiv @board_khrkiv) my following question was discussed. ❓How to effectively raise money for the restoration and (or) development of medical infrastructure of Ukrainian cities –and implement the project: immediately in full – in Uzhhorod (because I am already here physically and everything can […]
Burnout, stress, distress, exhaustion – how to recover? My experience
The situation with a colleague who, working hard and helping others, was exhausted, inspired the following reflections in the post: The main aspects of recovery that are highlighted here: sleep; physical activity; creative activity; food; social ties; etc. There is nothing to look at, you can listen to it as an audio podcast, even with […]