Does dental business need a software solutions for enterprise management from a start-up?

Briefly and clearly: 1) there is a need for dental software; 2) “pains” in a dental business regarding software are significant; 3) “turnkey” automation is important; 4) specialization in the automation of the dental business is justified; 5) software customization is valuable, etc.

[Approximate reading time of this publication – from 5 minutes]

Bizhello! ?

Regarding whether dental business needs a software solutions for enterprise management from a start-up, I have the following observations:

1) there is a need for dental software, since the dental business (if successful) is very dynamic and often needs to upgrade the software used;

2) the “pains” associated with software are significant for the dental business – literally no medical information system (MIS) software, and even more, EHR, ERP, etc. systems, does not suit stakeholders by 100 %, and if it does (at some moment), then soon ceases;

3) “turnkey” automation is important for the dental business; changing software from a large vendor can be so expensive and organizationally difficult that companies are forced to stay on it for years, paying a lot, and would not mind if someone in “turnkey” moved them to another software solution that better meets their current needs;

4) specialization in the automation of the dental business is justified, because dentists are used to be paying (literally for everything: for their education, for equipment, for consumables, etc., and for programs in particular), and they often tend to pay once for everything – and to be able to work effectively, without distracting from the main activity;

5) software customization is valuable – the flexibility and cost of adjusting the Product (especially in the SAAS model) to the needs of a particular dental business is much more suitable for small startups than for large vendors;

n) etc.

Contact me if I can help you optimize and scale yourself, your business.

What do you think about whether dental business needs a software solutions for enterprise management from a start-up?

Write your opinion (or questions, maybe?) in commentaries, please.

… and also – would you like us to prepare and publish a video on this topic for you?

Wish you have strong health, success, harmony and peace!

… and power and money for all this ?

Sincerely yours,
Oleksii Kalmykov,

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